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Chinese Evergreen Species

Chinese evergreen species

Chinese evergreen species

The Chinese evergreen variety, bidadari, is easily identified, especially when grown as an indoor plant. This lovely plant features massive, glossy, oblong leaves with bright pink, green, and beige splashes.

What are the varieties of Aglaonema?

10 Aglaonema Varieties to Look Out For

  • Aglaonema modestum.
  • Aglaonema nitidum.
  • Aglaonema widuri, 'Red Peacock'
  • Aglaonema 'Cutlass'
  • Aglaonema 'Emerald Bay'
  • Aglaonema 'Harlequin'
  • Aglaonema 'Silver Queen'
  • Aglaonema 'Silver King'

What is the most common Chinese evergreen?

One of the most common Chinese evergreen varieties, Silver Bay bears silvery leaves outlined in rich, deep green. 'Silver Queen' is a variety of Chinese evergreen that features dark green leaves striped with silver. It's a great indoor plant for medium or low light.

What is the pink Chinese evergreen called?

Aglaonema 'Pink Moon' One of the most whimsical Chinese evergreen varieties I've come across is 'Pink Moon'. Imagine: a plant with emerald green leaves and a pastel pink midrib. The very fine leaf veins are a cream color.

How long is the life span of Chinese evergreen?

Since Chinese evergreens are perennials, Freedem says they can live for as long as you provide the right care in the right environment, or as long as 10 or more years.

What is the difference between dieffenbachia and Chinese evergreen?

One major difference is that Chinese Evergreens are much more likely to include silvery-gray or pink coloration. They also have fewer lateral veins, typically 5-8 per leaf as opposed to the 20-30 seen on Dieffenbachias.

Do Chinese evergreens multiply?

Stem cuttings Stem plants like Aglaonema will have nodes on their stems: small bumps that have the capacity to produce roots or leaves. We can leverage this ability in order to multiply them. For example, if you “behead” your Chinese evergreen and place the top in water, it will sprout roots.

What is the most beautiful Chinese evergreen?

Aglaonema pictum 'Tricolor': This is probably the best known variety of this species of Chinese evergreens. Silvery white and light green spots litter the dark green leaves, creating a camouflage-like pattern.

What is the most rare Aglaonema?

Aglaonema Pink Moon This one is a rare Aglaonema variety that features large oval-shaped dark green leaves with stunning pink veins running down the center. And as if all that gorgeousness was not enough, the leaves also have tiny, pink moon-like specks all over them that further enhance their charm.

What type of Aglaonema is rare?

Aglaonema Pink Moon A rare Aglaonema variety that features large oval-shaped leaves with prominent pink moon-like specks.

Are Chinese evergreens hard to care for?

Chinese evergreen care is simple. Let the top couple of inches of soil dry out between waterings. If you miss an occasional watering, Aglaonemas usually bounce back. They can also take dry indoor air, but they prefer high humidity.

Do Chinese evergreens spread?

While it isn't the fastest-growing plant out there, Chris Satch, a plant specialist at Horti, has found that Chinese evergreens can get up to 3 feet tall when properly cared for. With time, it can also spread outward and grow up to 3 feet wide.

Why is it called Chinese evergreen?

Aglaonema plants are often referred to as Chinese evergreens since they originated in Asia.

Is a Chinese evergreen the same as a peace lily?

Aglaonemas, or Chinese Evergreen plants, are one of the best houseplants to try for those who weren't blessed with a green thumb. They belong to the Araceae family. It includes other tough-as-nails houseplants such as the Peace Lily (Spathiphylum) and Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia).

How big do red Chinese evergreens get?

The long, narrow leaves can reach up to two feet long, and the plants themselves typically grow one to three feet tall and equally as wide.

Is red Aglaonema a Chinese evergreen?

Red Aglaonema More recently, cousins of the Chinese Evergreens have become available. These plants, called Red Aglaonemas, feature a wider variety of foliage colors and variegations of white, pink, red and lime green.

Do Chinese evergreens like to be root bound?

Unlike many other plants, Chinese evergreens like being a bit root-bound. You can break up the roots every so slightly if they're looking especially constricted and tangled, but for the most part you can leave 'em as is! Place your plant into its new home and fill it in with soil.

Can Chinese evergreen take full sun?

Provide low to bright indirect light. Varieties with darker green leaves can tolerate dimmer conditions, while those with light or colorful variegation require brighter light to retain their colors and patterns. Avoid placing plants in direct sunlight, which can cause leaf burn.

Where should I put my Chinese evergreen?

Chinese evergreen plants thrive in medium to low light conditions or indirect sunlight. Wherever you place it in the home, you should make sure that the plant receives warm temps and somewhat humid conditions. However, this flexible plant will tolerate less than ideal conditions if necessary.

Can Chinese evergreen grow in just water?

Chinese evergreen is a low care indoor plant that thrives when grown in a vase or jar of water.

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