Begonia Hirtella
Begonia hirtella
The Begonia requires a bright shade or partially shady place without midday sun. The soil must be well drained. Good drainage is essential. If the soil gets dry, humidify slightly, and only moderately.
Do begonias need sun or shade?
They do best in situations with shade or morning sun/afternoon shade. Most varieties have flowers that hang down a little, making tuberous begonias ideal for hanging baskets and window boxes rather than garden beds and borders. No matter where you grow them, make sure they have good drainage to prevent rot.
Is begonia annual or perennial?
Although they are perennial in a warmer climate, most gardeners treat them as annual flowers. Tuberous begonias are probably the second-most popular outdoor begonia for gardeners. These grow from underground tubers into upright or trailing plants with stunning clusters of flowers.
What is the best way to take care of begonias?
These plants like to stay damp, and not dry out completely, but they hate having their roots sitting in water. Use well draining soil, with some compost material, to help retain moisture. Always water at the base of the plant, as they are susceptible to leaf rot and spots if the leaves get damp.
How long do potted begonias last?
No begonia has a long life span. Most only live for 2 to 3 years, even with good care.
Can you leave begonias in pots?
Can you overwinter begonias in pots? Yes, you can overwinter begonias in pots. Fibrous types can be kept as a houseplant, while tuberous varieties should be stored dormant in a cool, dark location. Overwintering begonias is easy, and it's a great way to save your favorite varieties every year.
Do begonias do better in pots or in the ground?
Begonias prefer growing in light, rich soil with a good concentration of humus, similar to the makeup of potting soil. So it's no surprise the plants tend to thrive in containers. Begonias planted in a pot should be spaced 4-6″ apart and with the tubers buried hollow-side up.
Do you deadhead begonias?
Pruning and deadheading begonia is recommended to promote a bushier plant with more flowers. Also, prune if your plant becomes leggy. This will help the plant have healthier looking growth and helps encourage the plants to put energy towards producing more flowers.
Do begonias like a lot of water?
Begonias thrive in soil that is neither dry nor saturated. Your goal is to find a moisture level and watering schedule that is justttt right. A good rule of thumb is to water every two to four days. When it's hot and dry you'll need to water more often than when the air cools down and the soil holds more moisture.
Do all begonias come back every year?
Most begonias are annuals (last only one season). You can save tubers from tuberous begonias to replant the next year or bring annual begonias in as houseplants in winter. Some rhizomatous and hardy begonias (B. grandis) are perennial, or come back year after year, in warmer regions.
Will begonias grow back every year?
This results in at least four months of blooms a year and if looked after properly, they will come back year after year so one purchase will give years of enjoyment in your garden. Begonias are extremely versatile and can be used in different ways.
Can I save my begonias for next year?
CORVALLIS - Many people enjoy the lush blossoms of tuberous begonias in pots on patios and as outdoor hanging plants. There's no need to throw them away when cold weather hits and the tops die. The tubers can be saved over the winter and planted again the next spring for another year of showy color.
How do you keep potted begonias blooming?
For maximum blooms, begonias should be lightly fertilized every 10 to 14 days when grown in pots and containers. For bedding plants, fertilizing every three to four weeks is enough to do the trick. What is this? But the real key is to use a light dose of nutrients in place of full strength applications.
How do I keep my begonias from getting leggy?
Pinching and Pruning Pinching back your begonias is the first step to correct legginess. For small plants on windowsills, or seedlings for the garden, pinching out the tiny new leaves on the growing tips of the begonias will force new growth along the stem and encourage dense, compact plants.
Is there any way to save begonias over the winter?
Place a layer of peat moss, vermiculite, or sawdust in a small cardboard box. Lay the tubers on the storage medium, then cover the tubers with additional peat, vermiculite, or sawdust. Store the tubers in an area with a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not allow the tubers to freeze.
How many times a year do begonias bloom?
Once begonias begin flowering, they bloom continuously from summer to frost. There are several different types of begonias. Wax begonias and angel-wing begonias are usually grown as outdoor annuals or indoor houseplants. Both grow from a clump of roots and are winter hardy in growing zones 9-11.
Do begonias like tight pots?
Begonias like their roots crowded and well-drained. For small plants, only move them up in 1 inch increments until you get to about 6 inch size. After that you can make 2 inch jumps in size, such as a 6 inch pot up to an 8, then an 8 up to a 10 etc.
Can a begonia be a houseplant?
It's time to add beautiful flowers and flashy foliage to your home. Begonias are popular outdoor annuals for the garden, but they make elegant indoor plants as well.
What temperature is too cold for begonias?
Most species of begonias can be damaged by temperatures lower than 45 or 50 degrees.
Can I put begonias in full sun?
Begonias need some sunlight, but they don't do well if that sunlight is harsh and direct. Instead, place them in filtered light, such as beneath high, thin tree canopies. However, as noted below some begonia varieties might tolerate more sun than others.
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